Should you try to get him back?

Published: Thu, 04/10/14


Hope your week has been fulfilling so far. I'm on track to start interviewing most of my friends and colleagues for my Deeper Love Summit and have to tell you that I'm blown away by the quality of these guests experts.

It will be a couple of weeks before the website opens it's doors for registration and you guys will be the first group of people who will have a chance to enroll (enrollment will be free).

Today, I chose to create a video that answers a question I get asked pretty much every single day of my life? How do I get HIM back? But rather than just answering that question, I'm answering a much more profound one first: Should you even try to get him back?

In my experience most women who feel anxiety, fear and despair because their guy has "all of a sudden" disappeared, gotten cold feet or become cold and distant, rarely stop to question whether that guy is really worth winning over in the first place.

So today, I'm sharing three "essential" questions you must be able to answer with honesty prior to launching on a quest to try to get a man you care about, back into your life.
My video today offers a simple but powerful guideline to determine whether you should attempt to reconnect with a guy who's lost interest or if it's best to invest your time connecting with a different man.
One of the 12-14 experts that I will share in my summit is my friend and colleague Mindie Kniss, PhD. Mindie is a heart intelligence expert who became a life coach way before life coaching was "cool". 

Mindie is someone I have a great degree of respect and admiration for because she walks her talk. Perhaps the easiest way I have to describe her is, five minutes of connecting with her and you feel heard, seen and understood, she really has a gift.

Well, Mindie is about to conduct her yearly AMAZING retreat called Heart Path.

In this retreat Mindie focuses on heart consciousness and shows you how to:
  • Tap into your intuition (and yes, you are intuitive)
  • Become more productive and focused
  • How to KNOW with certainty that you are on the right path
  • Heal past pain and grief
  • Lower your stress and blood pressure (without medication)
  • How to enhance the overall quality of your life
If this sounds interesting to you, please check out her site where you can get all the details on how to enroll. Enrollment is about to close so you might want to check it out sooner rather than later. 

(I'm not an affiliate partner of this program, I simply know that what she has to offer is powerful stuff and different from most of what's out there today).

Sending you so much love,


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