THIS determines your fate in love

Published: Thu, 01/09/14

Happy Thursday 

How is your heart feeling this week? Are you taking the space and time to notice? Are you allowing your yearning for love dictate your pace or are you letting comfort take over these days?

I don't know about you but I've certainly bought into the notion (more times than I care to admit) that I've arrived "somewhere" in life and that circumstances, events, problems in a given area are NOW going to be somewhat static and easily manageable. Ha!

It's almost as if I've innocently believed that once I discover my truth, that this truth will never change or that I'll never see life in a radically different way. The challenge with this line of thinking (if you've ever bought into it, like I have) is that we get to go through life believing that there's something wrong with us when we "deviate from our path" - when in fact that deviation might be our authentic path.

In our quest to simplify life, we idealize that our heroes and mentors have been steady, determined, flawless beings in their execution, when in reality most humans who've created a life of transcendence and fulfillment through service have spent more time unaligned than aligned, more moments in fear than in certainty and more experiences out of their perceived path than on it.

So what does this mean?

To me, this means that in order to live a genuinely fulfilled life, we need to appreciate, actually even love, walking on a path that is not comfortable or clear. 

This also means trusting that it's more than ok to get in and out of our centers more often that it feels comfortable while appreciating the fact that happiness is found in pain as much as it's found in joy. 

So today I invite you to allow these words to resonate with your own heart and never stop questioning what your truth is regardless of what your current path appears to be.

Last week I shared a video on how to find deep love in 2014 and today I want to deepen it with an insight into what is the one question that will determine the depth of love you experience, the level of intimacy you're capable of achieving and ultimately - how fulfilled you are in love. 

So if you care to share, let me know in a comment on the blog how this resonates with your heart or you can simply reply back to this email :)

Sending you tons of love and light,


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