Beyond valentine's day

Published: Fri, 02/14/14

Happy Valentine's

I have a confession to make: today is not a significant day for me, not because I don't consider romance and passion to be an intrinsic part of life, but because I feel that the daily opening to life should be a greater invitation to experience deep love in its many shapes and forms, that a once a year holiday.

So regardless of who you're sharing your life with (or not) today I want to invite you to use this day as a source of fuel to align your life with the kind of love you want to express.

If you find yourself feeling a sense of shame or sadness around not having a romantic plan this evening or feeling overwhelmed that you're not doing "enough", I want you to STOP being unkind to yourself and open your heart to these 5 immediate (and super simple) ways to have the most authentic valentine's celebration whether you have a date or not.

You see, I believe that this day  should be about feeling into the essence of what your heart is about, rather than about fancy roses and overpriced truffles.

So here are five ideas for you to make this a memorable day no matter what:

1- Do something REALLY kind for yourself (whatever you've been holding off on due to lack of time or energy, go for it now, no excuses).

2- Reach out to someone you have not connected with in a long time and vulnerably 
let them know how much they mean to you. - Ultimately the state of being in love comes from an abundance in giving love, so allow your heart to feel grateful for the connections you already have and nurture them with joy.

3- Allow some time to express unconditional love to someone you love - This one is a bit harder but so powerful. Reach out to someone in your closest inner circle and let them know that you will always be there no matter what (and mean it).

4- Have a 10 minute dance off with music that makes you feel fully alive - every result you have in life is the direct effect of the emotional state you're in, so raising your energy level aside from making you feel fully alive will affect your ability to get what you want in any area of life.

5- Laugh from deep within - Find out a way to laugh so hard that tears come out of your eye balls :) The healing power of laughter is not just profound but so much F%%N fun. Figure out a way through a movie, doing something silly, spending a moment with someone who can make you laugh, or whatever creative way you can find to get your laughter game on.

Whatever you end up doing I just want to thank you for allowing me into your heart, your inbox, your life and want you to know that I am proud of you for being the kind of woman who is actively opening her heart to experience love.

Let me know what you come up with.

Sending you so much love,


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