This will change your life

Published: Thu, 10/03/13


Today I felt inspired to write about the most powerful force to shape your life, create an amazing relationship, magnify your income and intensify your level of passion for life (among other things). This is a concept that's mostly discussed and understood intellectually, but my hope is that today you'll crave a physical taste of what I'm talking about so that by going through the practical embodiment of it, you can generate an even more insane amount of freedom in your life starting now.

This force that I'm talking about is the power of uncertainty and put in a different context, it's also the art of ending of our addiction to "comfort"

If you really think about it, the essential requirement for creating a life that matters (and doesn't suck) is our ability to break free from the grip of "what feels good in the moment". 

Now, I'm not saying that life should feel hard - what I'm saying though, is that getting, experiencing, enjoying most things in life that are worth anything: like getting paid to do what you love, marrying an amazing guy, being invited to participate on a massive collaboration, raising a family, speaking your truth, saying yes, saying no, writing a book, learning to dance, all fundamentally require doing sh%t that's really uncomfortable.

Want to end a feud that's lasted 20 years? get uncomfortable - pick up the damn phone and call that friend. Want to connect with a purpose driven guy who's your secret soulmate? get uncomfortable, smile at him, say hi, flirt, ask a question. Want to drop those elusive 10 pounds? Get uncomfortable - wake up 30 minutes earlier to exercise, drink more water, drastically reduce your sugar intake. Want to attract the job of your dreams? get really uncomfortable, reach out to more people, put your butt on the line, be vulnerable, show up more fully. 

In short, if you want to start or end something of meaning in life, you need to redefine what risk taking means and then take more risks especially when you don't feel like it.

Listen, I'm not pretending to be the king of uncertainty by any means, I just know that the moment I decided to really make uncertainty my friend by doing sh%t that scares the crap out of me but that also enables me to grow, that day, my life shifted by 180 degrees. The challenge now is maintaining enough fire in the belly to continue pushing myself to do stuff that makes me grow when I could could "comfortably" enjoy what I have. 

Talk to me, what is your current relationship with uncertainty and discomfort? Could you use more embracing of these in your day to day life? And if so, how?

This week I'm sharing a video that expands on this theme of embracing uncertainty as it relates to finding the guy of your dreams.

A question I get asked almost every day is: How can I speed up the time it takes to get the man I want in my life. So for my short video today I recorded a practical answer with this key as well as with the 3 most practical applications you can start living into, to make this happen today.

Remember to make discomfort your friend.

Sending you all my love and light,


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