How to stop feeling "addicted" to him

Published: Thu, 09/26/13

Hello there 

This week I'm just feeling grateful. The feeling really started last Friday when it rained all day long (in Austin, TX) and I decided to take a couple of hours in the middle of the day to simply sit by the window and watch the rain fall. 

The simplicity of the moment was quite powerful - and the liberating recognition that we all have the capacity to enjoy something so simple and free made me start thinking about how many more magic moments I could actually experience if I simply just chose with more heart.

How much gratitude did you get to experience last week? What could you feel more grateful for right now but are inadvertently choosing not to?

Last week I shared with you a video about the three most essential qualities to look for in a guy, so today I'm sharing a video that is just as useful (and complementary to the one from last week) that talks about How to stop feeling addicted to someone.

If you've ever felt the rush of feeling addicted to a human being then you're fully aware that it is one of the most difficult and painful places to be in. 

You wake up waiting for his text or phone call, sit around looking at your phone every 30 seconds for hours on end. You stop making plans in the event this guy happens to decide to make time for you then, you break previous commitments with friends just to spend 5 minutes together. 

You never quite know where he stands but you know he makes you feel special when you do see each other and the rush of that feeling seems to take over and keep this addicted behavior going outside of your control.

Sound familiar? If it does today I'm sharing three immediate ways to break free from this messed up feeling and take control of your life back.

Sending you all my love,


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