How to heal a broken heart

Published: Thu, 09/12/13

My Dearest 

How are you today? Hope absolutely amazing! I'm thrilled to share that I am one day away from turning 38 and feeling beyond blessed for all the goodness I've had the privilege to experience so far.

One one side, it's overwhelmingly exciting to have so much to be grateful for and on the other, I feel how quickly life is passing by and how much I still want to experience, do and be. Is this true for you too? Do you get to feel how quickly life is moving?

Today I'm going to be brief and just share with you a video that offers a mindset shift to effectively deal with a broken heart.

The Most Effective Way To Mend a Broken Heart 

If you're experiencing the feeling of loss or sadness that comes from a broken heart or know someone who is, the next video might give you a few practical ideas that can get you out a feeling of loss and into the experience of connectedness.

How To Succeed In Love and Life

Last week the awesome Katya Barry interviewed me for her show and asked me a ton of interesting questions about life, my roots, the how and why of my business and of course about love and intimacy.

It was a true blast recording it and if you want to listen to this conversation in full you can simply:  click here

Sending you all my love,


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