No baggage for love

Published: Thu, 12/05/13


Happy Thursday! How are you? This past week, I've had a quite a few magic moments where I've gotten a chance to be part of a few women becoming much more fully alive after a temporary (and sometimes long) disconnectedness with their greatness. 

You know, it doesn't matter how long I've done this, it still gives me the chills each and every time I get to be part of someone coming back to life ( so to speak).

If you've ever felt your heart so full that you feel like it's about to burst, then you know how I feel about what I do. To call my life privileged would be such a huge understatement, not only because I get to do what I love but because I go to sleep every night with the deepest sense of contribution and gratitude.

How are you connecting with your greatness these days? Are you allowing your light to shine in the service of others?

Three simple choices to leave your baggage at the door

Over the last couple of weeks I've heard from quite a few women who feel stuck and are not taking action to get the love they want because they feel like they don't want to bring in their "baggage" to a new relationship.

So today I'm sharing a video with 3 simple and effective choices you can make to avoid letting your baggage destroy what could become a powerful relationship.

I'm on TV ;)

I'm so excited to share that I've been invited to participate on a TV segment from Austin's Univision station every couple of weeks.

I will be sharing tips and strategies so that our Spanish speaking Austinite women can get to create the love they want from the inside out. 

I understand you might not speak Spanish but if you're curious about what I'm sharing you can check out these videos here

Sending you all my love and light!


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