3 red flags (in men)

Published: Thu, 07/11/13


This week has been a week of blessings and deep recognition of the gifts around me. The gift of doing what I love, of feeling beyond grateful to work with women I support and adore, the gift of the abundance of freedom of choice that I get to enjoy.

I think it was a couple of mornings ago as I left my house to go running while listening to my favorite songs (while most people around me were driving to a job they don't fully love) that it really hit me how privileged my life has become. This is not a privilege that I take lightly, it's a privilege that carries with it a strong commitment to service, to give of myself more deeply, and to use myself fully.

How about you? What are YOU most grateful for today, what are you doing with the gifts that your freedoms provide? Are you using yourself fully? Are you aligning your life with your path, that path which will allow for your fullest expression on earth? 

Please know that no matter what you answer I'm fully behind you and cheering you on and wish for your day to day experience to be a reflection of the greatness of your soul.

Now, on to today's content: I have three actionable pieces of magic to share with you today :)

#1 Three Warning Signs that the Guy You Want Might Not Be Your Guy 

A common challenge (all over the world) that I find in the lives of the women I have the pleasure of connecting with and helping through my coaching practice, is the act of settling for a guy who is not the right man for them (or at times for anyone else).

So this video shares three BIG RED FLAGS you should look out for if you're even slightly doubting that the guy you're with might not be the best guy for you.

#2 Interview with Chameli Ardagh - Marriage to Truth 

Last month I had the honor and privilege to interview an AMAZING woman with a heart of gold, a remarkable sense of aliveness and a commitment to truth beyond what you find on your everyday world. 

Chameli Ardagh is a feminine spirituality practitioner and founder of the Awakening Women's Institute. 

I think you will find the beauty, truth, compassion, honesty and profound depth of her message to be an invitation to open your heart to live closer to both your truth and your own feminine light.

#3 Connecting The Gaps (Hall of Fame)

When I think of true friends who have made a significant difference in my life and in my stepping into my fullest power to do what I do, my adorable friend Mayi Carles is right there at the top.

Well, my friends Mayi and April have created a new site called www.connectingthegaps.com (A lifestyle revolution for online superstars) and they were generous and kind enough to introduce me to their HQ hall of fame.

This site is about being yourself, reclaiming your truth, connecting with people who are making a difference and living life in their own way. 

So if this in any way resonates with YOU, I invite you to check it out and connect with others who are making a difference and perhaps get inspired to do the same in your own unique way.

Sending you all my love & light,

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