My new FREE video series ;)

Published: Thu, 09/05/13


Happy Thursday! It feels so amazingly good to be alive. How has your week been so far? How fully are you taking life in?

My week has been very fulfilling thus far. I've started connecting with women from all over the planet through my heart clarity calls and have to say that every day I feel more and more blessed to get to do what I do.

Yesterday I was having a very deep conversation with a young and courageous woman who lives on the other side of the planet when the perfection of the moment hit me so deeply that I silently said to myself, "I would not change what I do for all the money in the world." 

This is the thing, the more people I get a chance to connect with, the easier it becomes to decipher and predict future outcomes based on present patterns. 

Let me explain what I mean: when you get a chance to see a story that is repeated time and time again with different faces but a similar essence, it's not difficult to get how these similarities create specific results.

With that in mind I'd like to offer you 4 insanely common traits that I see time and time again in those human beings who end up creating a massively different (and far more fulfilling reality) than the one they were once experiencing.

#1 Passion for Truth 
This ultimately translates to being courageous enough to see the truth even when it hurts and a willingness to feel the pain of not having what you want so that your pain can create a hunger and drive to take massive action.

#2 Humility
Any human being I've connected with who has created a powerful life, from those I've had the honor to coach to mentors I've massively learned from - are masters in humility. As an example, I will never forget an amazing conversation I had with my friend Philip Berber ( a man who sold his company for 300 million dollars to donate $100 Million to create the sixth most effective Philanthropy in the world). The most impressive quality I saw in him was his deep humility and simplicity.

#3 Resourcefulness
This really translates into 2 qualities:

a) The ability to focus 90% of their energy on solving a problem vs complaining about a problem.
b) A willingness to go past their fear and take action even when they can't fully see it, even when they haven't done it before.

#4 Embracing Uncertainty
I left this for last because I feel it's the most essential practice we must step into in order to create a life of meaning. ANYTHING (and I do mean anything) I've seen created that is outstanding, majestic  or admirable required at some moment (or several) a deep stepping into uncertainty. 

On the other side of this any human I've met who is living someone else's dream rather than their own is consistently embracing security vs uncertainty.

I know these four virtues don't seem incredibly unique but the combination of them, based on my experience of some pretty amazing humans, is pretty explosive. 

If you can see life as it is without "sugarcoating" it, remain humble and eager to learn, take action even when you are afraid to and embrace uncertainty moment to moment - you will win at this game called life.

I challenge you to chose one of these each day and step fully into them with resolve and passion.

My New Free Video Series

You might have noticed I have not posted a new video in the last couple of weeks, this is because I've been working hard at creating a new free 3 part video series titled "3 Bulletproof Habits to get the man you want in 90 days or less" 

<<Click Here to Sign Up Now>>

These videos contain powerful and insightful action steps to help you craft a doable plan to make your dream guy part of your daily life.

If you find this concept somewhat exciting aside from signing up, I invite you to share this link below  with a friend in need.


Sending you so much love,


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