Let's connect 1-on-1 [TIME SENSITIVE]

Published: Thu, 08/29/13

My Dearest 

If you are single and looking to find true love from the inside out (or know someone who is)  and want to meet an amazing relationship-minded man in the next 90 days or less - this email could turn out to be the most important message read all year, and I absolutely mean it

(If so, I invite you to read on as you'll learn about a very limited time opportunity to get a free 1-hour coaching session with me) .

If you are already in a committed relationship and don't know of anyone who could benefit from learning sustainable skills to understand and attract quality men, then - I adore you to pieces and want to be very respectful of your time - feel free to delete this email and I promise you new and exciting content next week.

How to Get a Free One-Hour Coaching Call With Me:

Assuming you are interested in finding love or want to help a friend in need, I want to tell you that I'm deeply humbled as I just finished completing a round of my latest one on one coaching program:  " Find the One: An 8 Week Journey From The Inside Out to Get The Man You Want"

In these past few weeks I helped women who were in different stages of their love life: From afraid of taking action or hurt by a previous relationship to having the skills, confidence and know-how to create the relationship they've always wanted. 

Several of these women have already created (in just 8-weeks) committed relationships with conscious guys, others, who had lacked the confidence to put themselves "out there" and be seen, have started dating with a deep sense of aliveness, fun and possibility. 

A few women who were stuck in painful relationships (sometimes for years) have found the courage to end them and have started meeting quality, relationship minded-men.  The best part is that absolutely all have developed a stronger sense of certainty about what the future holds for them and are enjoying this newly found freedom. 

Why am I telling you this?

The reason I'm telling you this not at all to try to impress you but to remind you that getting what you want in the area of love & intimacy is possible faster than most people realize.

While working one on one with women (for a couple of decades) one thing I absolutely know to be true now is that getting what you want in terms of love starts with deep sense of honesty and clarity.

So, for the next week and a half I'm opening 20 spots for FREE one hour heart-clarity sessions

These sessions are designed to give you a heartfelt understanding about what you really want from a man and within an intimate relationship and also a TON of clarity about what's preventing YOU from getting what you really want (and deserve).

Last time I opened up these sessions I had the humbling experience of having women from every continent sign up and was able to lead some of the most powerful conversations of our lives: we laughed, cried and most importantly - had a chance to create an intense sense of awareness about what these courageous women wanted but were not quite getting. 

" My time spend with Bernardo was liberating. I gained so much clarity of where I was at. His presence allowed me to feel safe to share from a very vulnerable space. I tapped into this inner freedom I was yearning to feel and had always been seeking  from the outside yet it was within me. All this in just a short hour. It was so heart opening!"

                                                                  Donna De Luca - Montreal, Quebec

If you've ever wondered what it might be like to have me as your guide and friend, sharing all that I know and giving you direct feedback - this is your chance :)

At the end of our session, if I feel I can help you, our energies are a match, and you're interested in finding out more about my coaching program, I can also share with you all the juicy details.

Let me assure you that this is NOT a sales call.

First of all because I hate sales  and second, because if this is a right fit, you will know it in your heart right away and I won't have to "sell you" on anything. 

My bold promise is this  - regardless of whether you're a match to enroll in my full program or not, this session could turn out to be most powerful 60-minutes you've spent in years, yes - really.

My Time sensitive Invitation:

I'm only planning on conducting these free sessions for the next week and a half and I expect that most of the spots will be filled up very soon. Because enrollment for my 8-week coaching program is already half-full (before I even launch these calls), I won't be able to add more spaces once these 20 spots get filled up.

So... If you are committed to finding a man this year who can adore you and also feel excited about discovering what's holding you back, I highly suggest that you sign up right now up via the link below.

<<  Sign up for a free clarity session here  >>

Sending you all my love and respect,


P.S. I f this message is not for you but you know a woman who might be  silently crying herself to sleep at night at the thought that no man "gets" her and that time is passing her by. 

Or you know a woman who is strong in her business and successful in all the other areas of her life but in her heart of hearts is craving the connection and depth of intimacy (that only comes from opening up fully to a partner).

Or you perhaps know of someone who is 90% "there" but that 10% remaining is all that's preventing her from getting the intimacy she wants, then forwarding this message to her could be a life-changer and I mean this from the bottom of my heart (and from personal, direct experience).

Here's the link to register

Sending You Oceans of love,


"Bernardo is a pure example of what an evolved man can be. I whole heartedly recommend his support to any woman looking to understand herself more deeply and find the love she so desires within herself and with another. 

You will experience being held in a loving, insightful, powerful, kind, gentle, safe, respectful, and wise conversation that will lead you to greater clarity around what you truly desire, your blocks to that, and how to get it. 

Bern cares only for your authentic fulfillment and will pull no punches as he gently guides you to your true path. I am so grateful for the invaluable advice he shared with me - and have no doubt it helped me to show up fully in the incredible relationship I am in now. 

 Call this man today and you will be delighted with the results! You are worth it!"
                                                                      -Zoe Wild - Oakland, California
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