I want to personally meet you :-)

Published: Wed, 02/11/15

My Dearest , 

I would love to personally help you find your soulmate and instill in you the skills, openness and confidence to create an amazing, relationship with a masculine, conscious and commitment-minded guy.

Sound interesting? 

If so, I'm inviting you to apply for a free, 60-minute, 1-on-1, love clarity call with me.

A love clarity call is a very powerful, private, one-hour session where you get my undivided focus and attention and gain priceless insights about: 
  • What you really want in a relationship
  • Where you are today &
  • What's been preventing you from getting it.

I will only be conducting 16 of these calls over the next two weeks, so:

If you are serious about getting support to experience more confidence, understand men and find the love you deserve,

If you would love to find out if working together is a fit and feel in your heart - that you'd highly benefit from tapping into my brain and my many years of helping women find their soul mate:

I invite you to apply for it today. 

In case you're wondering, a clarity call is NOT a sales call, click on the link below to get all the juicy details and apply.

Note: These spots will not take long to fill-up, so if you're interested apply now.

Here's to finding the love you deserve,


P.S. If connecting with me one-on-one is not your thing, no worries, I'll be back next week with useful & practical advice on love, relationships and men ;)

P.P.S If our energies resonate during our call, I'll also share with you the details of my "Find The One" coaching program and possibly extend an invitation to participate.

Apply For Your Call Here

Client Spotlight:

"The changes I experienced as a result of Bern’s guidance and help are really magical and palpable. 

My life became much more exciting and sustainably happy because I lost the fear to actively search for what I wanted. I harnessed the courage to experience life outside of my comfort zone, with an open heart and taking the risks to experience new and amazing feelings. 

The process of change was very revealing and so much fun too because I got a chance to meet many people who helped me get closer to what I was searching for.

And that is how a good day I met the man who wakes me up every morning letting me know that a big part of his mission in life is making me happy and taking care of me. 

A man who speaks from the heart and doesn't just meet my list of requirements of an "ideal guy" but who comes with a few extra virtues that almost feel like a reward for having had the guts to dream and go for what my heart craved. 

The love that I've encountered knows no doubts, because from the moment I met him, it was clear to me that he is the one I want to share my life with and get to rediscover the infinity that love is. 

Thank you Bern, for what you've taught me is a gift that has no price."

-Alicia S. - Panama City, Panama

Click Here to Apply for a Clarity Call

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