With love

Published: Fri, 12/26/14

Beautiful ,

If you're anything like me, this year has brought a lot of richness in experiences and emotions so my heart has feel a lot (both aliveness and pain).

So I thought that rather than creating a video this week, I'd share three insights that have made a BIG difference for me this year in case you might find them useful too.

1) There is no part of you that is unlovable - I absolutely mean this: 

The darkest, most shameful part of you is as worthy as the proudest part you most want others to see.

Having had the honor of helping thousands of women in all corners of the world, from all age groups and walks of life, has given me a very sharp knowing that we are all way more similar than different from each other.

All of us (with no exceptions) have dark parts of us that we would love to forget and vanish. All of us have secrets that make us shake to the core at the thought of being seen. 

But the thing is, the moment we hold space in our hearts to honor these as sacred, the shame begins to melt and freedom can enter our hearts.

2) Honoring your truth is the most difficult yet the most rewarding experience you will have.

What do you really, really really want?  What do you need to be happy? What are you hiding away from? Are you listening actively to what your heart needs and craves?

Can you speak your truth irrespective of the deep uncertainty it generates? Can you ask for what you want? Can you say no when you mean it and yes when you want it?

Most human beings never sit down to listen to what their hearts crave, much less honor these desires. You don't have to be a sage or a wise person to do this, all you need is a bit of courage and the willingness to be set free.

3) The moment is now.

Truth be told, you will never feel ready but must take action anyways if you want to experience freedom.

Launching that business idea, sharing your heart more vulnerably, starting, ending, choosing to love, trusting more, opening your heart to love, saying goodbye to that person who brings suffering to your life, offering unconditional love. 

You will probably never feel completely at ease about anything that really matters but you will always regret it if you don't go for it.

So if you're feeling like your life is not exactly as you would want it, or that you have so many things you want to change in 2015, or that you feel ashamed at certain parts of you, - welcome to the club :)

It's ok, there's nothing wrong with you, you're a beautiful human being doing the best you can and that is more than enough to be lovable and loved.

My wish for you as this year ends is that you:

-Speak to your soul with kind words. 
-Love your body deeply for the temple that is is.
-Listen to your heart with courage and most of all:
-Forgive yourself for not being "there" yet, (I truly haven't found anyone who    
  has ultimately "arrived").

With deep love,



P.S. In just a few days I'm going to open up a few spots for FREE, 60-minute heart clarity sessions with me for women who are interested in working with me and my dear friend & coach Gio on the most exciting, in-depth and comprehensive love program I've ever put together.

Please stay tuned and if you're interested in take action fast when you get the email as the spots will be gone very fast this time around :)

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