How to free your heart from a guy who's BAD for you

Published: Fri, 11/21/14

Beautiful ,

I've noticed something.

A lot of women who are not experiencing the love they want and deserve are emotionally attached to a guy who sucks.

Yes, you know EXACTLY what I mean.

He is often charming, successful and even generous but you also know he's unreliable, non-committal and is simply putting it - wasting the best years of your life.

A guy like this has the capacity to disappear for days (or weeks) - and only returns when he's feeling lonely.

He loves to play hot and cold and for some reason, you let him get away with it.

It feels like you can't escape his gravitational pull, and find yourself lowering your standards by letting him stick around.

You often feel like it's not a big deal but unfortunately it is.

The reason why, is because he's stealing your drive to connect with a man who is willing to give his life for you if necessary.

Why am I telling you this?

Because I've been working really hard for the last couple of weeks on creating a NEW 4-part video series to help you: 

Break Free from a man who's not good for you and attract instead a strong, masculine, worthy, committed, conscious man.

Once you click on the link above you will automatically start receiving all of the videos in this series - no opt-in is required :-)

Get these videos Here.

Redefining Healthy

This week I was interviewed by a friend of mine, a woman I admire and respect a great deal.

She's created a really cool and free challenge titled "Redefining Healthy".

In it she's interviewed 10 people who are redefining health in a wholesome, loving and unique way.

Click here to check it out and get all 10 interviews (it's free).

Sending you love, freedom and light,


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