Let's talk :)

Published: Fri, 01/02/15


Happy 2015! If you'd like me to personally help YOU find your soulmate, and you're committed to connecting with a masculine, conscious, generous, awesome man in 2015 please read on... 

(Otherwise, please hit 'delete' and I will see you again soon with more valuable tips and strategies).

Assuming you're in - I'm inviting you to apply for a FREE, 60-minute, one-on-one, love clarity call with me :-)

A love clarity call is a one-hour session where you get my undivided focus and attention and gain a ton of clarity about: 
  • What you want in a relationship and 
  • What's preventing you from getting it.

I will only be conducting 18 of these calls over the next two weeks, so:

If you are serious about finding love and know you'd highly benefit from tapping into my brain, I invite you to apply for it today. 

Also, in case you're wondering, a clarity call is NOT a sales call, click on the link below to get all the details and apply.

Note: These will not take long to fill-up, so if you're interested apply now.

Sending you oceans of love,


P.S. If connecting with me one-on-one is not your thing, no worries, I'll be back very soon with useful & practical advice on love and men ;)

P.P.S If our energies resonate during the call, I will also share with you the details of my January-March Embody Love Project Mastermind, the most exciting project I've worked on (in combination with my good friend and Soul & Body Awakening Coach Gio Toccaceli).

Schedule Your Call Here

You are receiving this email because you subscribed to one of my lists through one of my video programs or a webinar. I'd hate to see you go, but if my videos and interviews are no longer a good fit for you, feel free to unsubscribe by clicking the "unsubscribe" link below, no hard feelings and no explanations needed, I love you anyways ;)