food for thought

Published: Fri, 09/05/14

Hello ,

I'm feeling a little restless this morning so I thought I'd share a simple message that can offer you a quick window into my heart while potentially also creating a deeper sense of freedom in your life today.

It's not my usual video and it's not even specific to love and men but I'm choosing to share it because we all need a little reminder at times...

You see, we go through life thinking we've got it all figured out: 

Where we live, what's right and wrong, what life is REALLY about and at the same time taking so many people and things for granted.

And all of a sudden, life shows up and surprises us in a way that shakes us up to our core.

An average Wednesday 5:17 am phone call where we hear that someone we love is no longer here.

A mid-afternoon doctor call where we're informed that the results need further medical examination.

A hot and heavy day in traffic where we see, right next to our window, a little 4 year old soul, whose face is covered in dirt, selling candy in the streets to help his mom make ends meet.

So for one intense and almost unending moment, going through life in our usual automatic-pilot-mode is no longer an option.

We experience a precious moment of awakening that if used properly can change the direction of our lives and offer us more freedom. 

In short, we can choose to ride the wave and:
  • Tell more people we love them (and do it more often)
  • Stop worrying about stuff that doesn't matter.
  • Choose to question our direction in life.
  • Say yes to the calling of our hearts.
  • Create much deeper friendships.
  • Stop holding back.
  • Love more intensely.
  • Speak our truth.
  • Take that risk.
  • Take that risk again.
  • Begin a journey.
  • Do something we love every single day.

But the sad truth is: most people won't.

Most people will go back into a trance as quickly as they snapped out of it and continue down a path that leads to a place none of us would want to visit.

(Most people also live painfully uninspiring lives).

YOU are NOT most people so:

What truth can you wake up to today? 

How can you boldly step into the uncertainty that will create the life, abundance, love and magic that you really really really want? and

What can you do to align your heart with your path?

Let me know what you think.

With an open heart and so much love to you,


P.S. I will return next week with a regular video but every now and then I like to shake things up a bit and do things differently.

P.P.S. This past week I was interviewed by a friend and colleague, Ellie Brett, who's a former NBC reporter and now a media trainer rockstar. 

This means her mission is helping heart based entrepreneurs, coaches and purpose driven business folks who want to become awesome shining in media interviews to do so.

She is hosting a free live webinar next Monday to share the 3 biggest ways to nail a media interview. If this is something that interests you, you can sign up for free here. 

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