9 Red flags that show he's not ready for you.

Published: Thu, 08/07/14

Good Morning 

Here's a little story that you might find useful. It all started about 12 years ago...

I'd just finished a call with a good friend of mine, a woman I consider to be smart, unquestionably beautiful and on top of that fun and alive.

She was crying on the phone describing (what to me) was an obviously painful relationship. 

Based on what she shared I saw that the guy she had fallen HARD for was not going to give her the long term stability and commitment she was looking for and yet she couldn't see it.

She kept making up excuses for him and trying to convince me that he still had potential and that they were just going through a "bad moment".

I wish the story ended there, it doesn't. This relationship went absolutely nowhere but it wasted about another year and a half of her life where she felt miserable most of that time.

Fast forward to today and I've had this almost exact same conversation with more women than I can count, but there is a small difference. 

I have a much clearer and rooted idea as to what qualities in men will lead to long term happiness and which ones will end up causing a great deal of emotional and psychological pain. 

And this isn't based on a hunch or a hypothesis but on a ton of data I've gathered throughout my coaching practice by learning from people who've dedicated their lives to studying relationships.

So what I'd love to do with your permission, is share with you a list of 9 warning signs that show you there's the potential for you experiencing more pain than love with a guy.

Instead of doing a video today, I wrote an article that was published in a really awesome website: Mind Body Green. It will take you 5 minutes to read it but can potentially save you from years of pain.

I think you will find it beneficial not just for you but for any and all girlfriends who find themselves in a painful relationship dilemma with a man.

I just have a small favor to ask. If you find this article useful would you please share it on Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest) whatever you find easiest. It would mean a lot to me.

There's a share/like button on the post and all you have to do literally is click it with your mouse.

Sending you love and a big hug from heart to yours,


P.S. I've been working on a secret project that you'll probably find insanely helpful, will give you more details in the weeks ahead.

9 Warning signs that show he's not ready for you.

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