How to radically reduce your anxiety with men

Published: Fri, 10/03/14

My Dearest 

How are you? Happy - Happy Friday! 

I've received a lot of emails lately on this important subject, so I thought I'd share one powerful idea that can radically reduce (and virtually eliminate) that painful sense of anxiety you often feel when you first start dating someone.

Rather than writing a big intro about it, I created a 4-minute video to show you how to do this starting today.

In case you're not really interested in dating at the moment, this advice can be equally applied to many other important situations in life. 

You see, most human beings settle in friendships, in business and in all kinds of projects they take on and things they do. 

If you've ever done this, I highly suggest you watch this video from that angle. :)
Since we're on the subject of ending anxiety, 

I also want to share a new free video series that a friend & colleague of mine (and someone I really respect): Isabel Foxen Duke - just released to help you once-and-for-all eliminate that feeling of being crazy around food.

So If you are constantly searching for the perfect diet,

and constantly falling off the perfect diet,

Constantly swinging between "this time I've got it," 

and "oh crap, I suck, I'll never get this." 

and always feeling "good" or "badly" about yourself, depending on what fits in your closet, 

or how well you ate that day. 

You will really enjoy and benefit from what she has to share

Huge Hug from my heart to yours.


P.S. At the end of Isabel's video series, you might decide to join her awesome master program and if you do I will make a commission for that sale. 

I want you to know 2 things: 

1) you will gain awesome insights from her series whether you purchase from her or not.

2) I'm sharing her because I fully believe in her message, so much so, that she was one of my 12 experts on my love summit earlier this year.

You are receiving this email because you subscribed to one of my lists through one of my video programs or a webinar. I'd hate to see you go, but if my videos and interviews are no longer a good fit for you, feel free to unsubscribe by clicking the "unsubscribe" link below, no hard feelings and no explanations needed, I love you anyways ;)