A lesson in love

Published: Fri, 09/12/14

My Dearest ,

My message today is about an event that sinked in for me a couple of days ago and woke me up to a beautiful realization.

The essence of it, is a lesson that could end up making you a gifted lover, the kind of person that your guy (or future guy) cannot live without. 

I learned it the hard way as I had to make the inevitable yet painful decision to put Simon, my dog of 14 years to sleep.

First I'll say that  I don't intend to make this a sad message, on the contrary, It's a message of hope.

So what does my Dog's passing have to do with your ability to create the most mind blowing and passionate relationship with someone?

Everything, here's why...

I went back through small and big flashes of all the moments he shared with me and my family and you know what I found?

There was not a single time, not one, where I reached out to him that he didn't respond with kindness, playfulness and most of all with deep, unconditional love.

So no, I am not suggesting that you become a kind and gentle soul even when your guy does something hurtful.
I'm simply saying that human beings who develop the courage to love their partner regardless of what they do  - (important, I'm not saying: "stay with their partner" regardless of what they do) - create the most magical relationships.

Here's why -  The biggest fear all of us have (and this certainly includes you and I), is not being loved.

The second biggest fear we share is not being enough.

So when someone shows up with a fulness of life and reminds us through their actions that we are more than enough and that we are worthy of love (even if this means loving us from a distance), something massive changes in us.

All of a sudden a lifetime of self doubt, insecurity and fear get shed off like a snake changing it's skin.

In fact, I'm willing to bet that the biggest pain that you've experienced in breakups has been a lot less about the person you loved not giving you love and much more about the love that you're now holding hostage inside your heart.

So my message is: choose to love regardless.

If someone's actions merit them being excluded from your day to day life, it's ok do it, but nothing stops you from even from a safe distance, without attachment, keep on sending them love and light.

When your heart is overflowing with love, even in the midst of pain, other people who resonate at that level become free to enter your life.

What do you think? 
I'm on Money Magazine :)

Changing gears a bit I'm happy to share that this week my advice was featured on Money Magazine. 

My friend Farnoosh Toorabi (a really awesome financial expert on women) who writes a weekly column there asked me to share a few tips on how to answer the question of who should pay for the bill on a first date?

You can read the article here

Sending you love,


P.S. Next week I'm sharing an interview that makes a strong connection as to how health, vibrancy and self confidence can sky rocket your ability to create a loving connection and most importantly what you can do to get there.

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