The biggest myth in love

Published: Thu, 05/15/14


Have you ever noticed that experiencing deep love is much HARDER than most people (especially so called experts) make it out to be?

I don't know about you, but I certainly have. 

Whenever I connect with a woman (wether she's a client, blog reader or friend) who feels shame, guilt or a sense of unworthiness from not mastering this difficult art form (aka - love), I always wonder: when did we as a society fail to communicate the truth of what it takes to experience this incredibly powerful, yet challenging emotion?

Love and Life are VERY Hard (and yet both are worth the effort)

I've been thinking deeply about this these past couple of days. Because the last idea I want to portray is that my personal or my love life are perfect, pain free or simply in cruise-control. 

They're not. The truth is I am in love and feel incredibly blessed to be married to my wife (it's been almost 15 years now) and yet, anyone who speaks from the heart and is connected with his truth will tell you the same thing I'm saying: (unless they're just trying to impress you) - despite all the love - some days are very hard. 

There are days where I too question: my place in the world, my sense of worth, my value to others. There are moments when I too feel like I have no idea what I'm doing, when I feel like a lousy lover and when I have to take a very deep breath to open up and share my truth with my woman and/or with the world.

So the question is NOT whether love or life are hard, but rather "are they worth it?" 

And if you, like I, feel that they are - the real question then becomes: How do we get ourselves to push through the inevitable pain inherent in creating love so that we can experience what our hearts truly deserve.

What do you think - is love worth the pain? Because your answer to this question will greatly determine the quality of your life and the intensity of the love you get to experience and express (or not).

Based on the ideas I just shared above, the video that I prepared for you today offers a compelling and practical mindset to overcome the biggest myth going on about love - starting today.
My Latest Contribution to Redbook Magazine

For about a month now I've been contributing ideas and expert advice to Redbook Magazine and my latest contribution (along with that of other experts) is a fun and interesting piece that can help you understand men's needs in bed whether you are single or not. 

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Sending you all my love and light,


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