How long should you make him wait?

Published: Fri, 08/01/14

Happy Friday Gorgeous 

How is life treating  you this week? 

Have you ever wondered how soon you need to wait before having sex with a guy? Because, let's not kid ourselves here - he's going to be ready before you are.

A common recurring problem that women I coach or who contact me for advice, face time and time again, is defining how soon is "too soon" to be intimate with a man.

If you wait too long, he loses interest, if you do it too quickly you run the HIGH risk of being put into his "fun-but-will-never-meet-his-mom" category.

The thing is - it's not about playing hard to catch and I've never come a cross a time-based rule that does the trick.

So today I decided to record a short but punchy video about when is the best time to do it with your guy (if you want to remain being valuable in his book and simultaneously ensure you're not hurt in the process). 

In case you're thinking I'm not aware that it's quite "unfair" that guys usually feel a lot less emotionally attached to to being intimate, I am. 

I'm also not at all cool with the double standard that exists where a guy who sleeps with a woman quickly is "a stud" but a woman who sleeps with a guy too soon is considered "easy".

But, I much rather share a strategy based on how the world works today than to show you something based on how I wish it did.

Sending you tons of love,


Click here to watch this

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