Find the one ... [my new program]

Published: Thu, 06/13/13


If you are single and looking for true love (or know someone who is) and want to make this the year you finally find your man - this email could be the most important message you've read all year.  Seriously. 

(If so I invite you to read on as you'll learn about a limited time opportunity to get a free coaching session with me).

If you are already in a committed relationship and don't know of anyone who could benefit from learning some real skills about understanding men then - I adore you and want to be very respectful of your time, so feel free to delete this email and I promise you some awesome content next week.

Assuming you are interested in finding love or want to help a friend in need, I want to tell you that I'm ecstatic as I just finished creating what I feel is my best work ever

I've created a one-on-one program designed to take you from whatever stage you find yourself in your love life (feeling: hurt, afraid, shut-down, confused, overwhelmed, pissed off at guys or "almost getting there" - but "not quite arriving") 

to a radical opening of your heart and a deep understanding of what it takes to attract, get, and fall in love with your ideal guy, and once you find him, learn how to sustain passion for good, (not too bad, right?)

The name of my new program is "Find The One - An 8 week Journey From the Inside Out to Get the Man You Want." 

I'm using the best tools I've learned and practiced both while helping thousands of women over the past 20 years including hundreds of one-on-one strategic interventions.

Since this work is one-on-one and not group coaching, I need to make sure that whomever joins, is absolutely ready for the level of depth and intensity it demands.

** So for the next 2 weeks I'm opening up 20 spots for free, 45-minute, heart clarity sessions: **

These sessions are designed to give you a heartfelt understanding of what you really want from a man and within an intimate relationship and also a ton of clarity about what's preventing YOU from getting what you want.

I have never offered free sessions, so If you've ever wondered what it might be like to have me as your guide and friend, sharing all that I know and giving you direct feedback - this is your chance :)

At the end of our session, if I feel I can help you, our energies are a match, and you're interested in finding out more about my program, I can also share with you all the juicy details.

Let me assure you that this is NOT a sales call.

First of all because I hate sales  and second, because if this is a right fit, you will know in an instant and I won't have to "sell you" on anything. 

My promise is this - regardless of whether you can enroll in my full program or not, this session could turn out to be most powerful 45-minutes you've spent in years, and you know I don't joke around.

My Time sensitive Invitation:

I'm only planning on conducting these free sessions for the next two weeks and I expect that most of the spots will be filled up pretty soon. 

In fact, I already had to add an extra 15 spots since these first were filled up with a few people I messaged on Facebook over the last 3 days, (before I even typed this email). 

Because I haven't figured out how to clone myself yet, I won't be able to add more spaces once these 20 get filled up.

So... If you are committed to finding a man who can adore you and also feel excited at discovering what's holding you back, I highly suggest that you sign up right now up via the link below.

<<  Sign up for a free clarity session here  >>

Sending you all my love,


P.S. I f this message is not for you but you know a woman who might be silently crying herself to sleep at night at the thought that no man "gets" her and that time is passing her by, 

Or you know a woman who is strong in her business and successful in all the other areas of her life but in her heart of hearts is craving the connection and depth of intimacy (that only comes from opening up to a partner).

Or you know of someone who is 90% "there" but that 10% remaining is all that's preventing her from getting the intimacy she wants, then forwarding this message to her could be a life-changer and I mean this from the bottom of my heart.

Here's the link to register

You are receiving this email because you subscribed to one of my lists through one of my video programs. I'd hate to see you go, but if my videos and interviews are no longer a good fit for you, feel free to unsubscribe  by clicking the "unsubscribe" link below, no hard feelings and no explanations needed :)