Should you give him a second chance?

Published: Fri, 03/06/15

Gorgeous ,

A question I get asked quite often is - should I take him back?

Here's the situation...

A guy you're dating (who appears to be awesome) does something out of left field that is really stupid or hurtful and you stop seeing each other. 

After a short time period, one where you really missed him, he comes back wanting to get back together and you're torn apart, unsure if you should let him go or give him a second chance.

Does this sound familiar?

In today's 3-minute video I share three powerful questions you need to be able to answer before making that decision.

If you or a loved one has ever gone through a dilema such as this one, you will find these questions pretty handy.
My dear friend Katie Den Ouden is offering a FREE 3-part

It’s all about Feeding Your Soul to Free Your Body + LOVE Your Life.

In the videos, Katie walks you step-by-step through finding your wild. free. alive. {i.e. find your freedom + love your life}. 

She’s never given away this many of her tips so if you're into feeling more alive, just click on the link below and jump in with me :-)

(These videos will be coming down in about a week, so if this message resonates with you, don't wait to sign up)

<< click on the banner below to watch them >>

Sending You so much love,


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