How I dropped 3 pant sizes & learned to love my body

Published: Fri, 04/03/15

Beautiful ,

I'm so excited today to share with you the wisdom and gift of my personal health coach and a true soul intuitive, Giordana Toccaceli.

Here's why:

Over the last few years I've come to realize that loving your body, being healthy, feeling vibrant and exuding aliveness are essential factors in creating deep love, so with this in mind, I want to share something personal with you.

Several months ago I started feeling a feeling a sharp and consistent/chronic pain in my stomach and  had to go through a fun process called an endoscopy (which was extremely uncomfortable, especially because stubborn as I am, I did it without sedation).

I was then prescribed some medication to reduce the acid in my stomach and told I would have to take it  (whose side effects include weaker bones) - for the rest of my life.

But the thing is, despite taking this drug, the pain started again.

I made the decision to work with my gifted friend and within one week all of my symptoms were gone and by the second week I had already dropped a couple pant sizes.

Today I've lost over 18 pounds and feel in the best shape and health of my life.

So because the transformations I've experienced through her help and guidance have been so profound - and because I know that the deeper connection you develop with your body - the easier time you'll have finding love,

I decided to invite Gio again to share her wisdom and practical health advice with you. 

In this 18-minute conversation, she shares :
  • Why most women are unable to sustainably lose physical and emotional weight (and what to do about this).
  • What is the art of feminine weight loss.
  • Why health and beauty are deeply interrelated and how you can step into a stronger sense of aliveness today. 
(Limited Time) - Talk one-on-one with my Health Coach 

If you're short on time and can't listen to the interview today but you are committed to getting healthier and know that you'd massively benefit from working one-on-one with someone who,

Really understands health and knows what it takes to:

Look years younger, feel the healthiest you've ever been, drop unwanted pounds with love and without depriving yourself from awesome foods.

You might want to apply for one of the 5 complimentary, 60-minute, one on one  sessions she is offering to my viewers (I know they'll fill up very fast). 

<<Click Here to Apply for a Free Health Clarity Call With Giordana>>

If your energies are aligned and decide to work together -  you might find yourself within a few short weeks from now feeling healthier, more alive, stronger and more confident than you have in years - I know I have.

Sending you love, vibrancy and health,


P.S. This is not an affiliate promotion, I just know that Gio is the real deal because of the way she's changed my health-life completely and has given me the gift of natural healing from within and without any side-effects.

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